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MicroID submitted as IETF Internet-Draft

Peter Saint-Andre has done the hard work and gotten the MicroID spec submitted to the IETF as an Internet-Draft. This is great news and hopefully will generate some additional conversation and visibility around MicroID. This draft expires Feb 8, 2008 after which it may continue down the road to RFC. Peter’s announcement on the MicroID […]

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Googlonymous not so Anonymous

I was pointed yesterday to a new site (registered July 15, 2007) I’d not seen before named Googlonymous. There are three items on the main page – a search box, a paragraph of foreboding text, and an embedded flash video. I’ve included a screen shot and the text below. When you make a search on […]

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BarCampRDU – Expertise Location

Another successful BarCampRDU this past Saturday. Fred did a great job organizing the organizers and making it all run smoothly. Red Hat hosted again this year and again, to rave reviews. Pictures and Posts. I was in charge of the big schedule board again. We had it up much faster this year with less tape […]

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Clean and store your raw tags like Flickr

Today I was working through how a new application would be handling tags and realized that I strongly believe Flickr has the most robust method of storing and querying tags. I think they do it well and wanted to copy their lead. The main reason I feel they’ve got the best system is how they […]

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Your Personal Data and whether Google knows all

Google knows a lot about each of us. If you’re doing anything online these days, you’ll be hard-pressed to do it without Google having a hand in a part of it. Recently, James Thomas decided to not use Google’s products at all for two weeks and quickly realized it made the Internet quite hard to […]

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OpenIDs at LiveJournal leaking auth info

Joseph Petviashvili (krotty), creator of the Skype-based Bitchun Society, writes today about his detection that LiveJournal is leaking his auth info via the check_immediate feature in OpenID. I haven’t seen any other discussion of this. Can anyone confirm? open id from livejournal is not safe If you are logged in to livejournal, that information can […]

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Transparency trumps credentialism

Larry Sanger has been given a bigger stage. Edge has published his latest essay entitled “Who Says We Know: On the New Politics of Knowledge“. In it he argues against “dabblerism” – a word he made up to help him define his opponents’ position of anti-credentialism. Sanger is a credentialist. He wants credentials to buy […]

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ClaimID users needed for APM documentary

We just heard from American Public Media’s American RadioWorks – they want to interview some claimID users for an upcoming documentary about online identity. What fun. The wonderful folks at American Public Media’s American RadioWorks are looking for ClaimID users to appear in an hourlong documentary about online identity and self-marketing. This is a great […]

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Two ASIST Posters and VCU Technology Days

A good week for hearing back about things. Both short papers I submitted to ASIST were accepted. Fred and I submitted a claimID write-up with the title “Self-Representation of Online Identity in Collected Hyperlinks”. Additionally, my first attempt at writing down my thoughts about the use of social tags over time was accepted with the […]

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Expressivity vs. Uniformity – social tagging and controlled vocabularies – ASIST Panel

In an immediate follow-up to last week’s panel… here’s another. What: EXPRESSIVITY VS. UNIFORMITY: Are controlled vocabularies dead, and if not, should they be? When: 1:00 to 2:00pm April 2nd, 2007 Where: Pleasants Family Room in Wilson Library at UNC-CH Who: Led by Dr. Stephanie Haas, with panelists Dr. Gary Marchionini, Terrell Russell, Tim Shearer, […]

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